
Once key custom home design plan details are finalized, the actual construction of your home can begin. Our process is driven by every subcontractor and/or designer having all necessary information ahead of time. Smart phones, tablets, and job site mobile hotspots are becoming the norm in commercial construction, which allows for immediate access to answers to questions that may arise. It only makes sense then that the entire team stay connected during the construction of your home! We are able to implement this process using BuilderTrend project management software. Your entire build is accessible from anywhere in the world in the palm of your hand, with job site progress photos, discussions on work changes, and scheduling something you are participating in. Gone are the days when you wonder what is going on, when it will happen, and how long it will take to complete.

It is our attitude that subcontractors do not work for us, rather, we work for them to make their efforts most effective for the time spent on site. Currently, there are certain residential construction activities that happen in a particular order to save cost only to the general contractor. However, through our experience in the commercial world, we are able to not just increase the quality of the work performed during these coordinated efforts, but also make our subcontractors feel like we are looking out for them and the work they are installing. The absolute last feeling you want running through the minds of those building your house is “I don’t want to be here.” The more we are able to allow these skilled tradesmen to take pride in their work and work together, the better the final product.